



The recent 20 years of cancer research has witnessed rapidly growing varieties of treatment agents for cancer, in the areas of cytotoxic/cytostatic chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy and other therapies. However, the identification of optimal treatment strategies through clinical trials is hampered by the contradiction between the limited/sparsely distributed patients and the near-infinite combination treatment strategies. Practically, it is important to prospectively predict the outcomes for each treatment strategy, and then assess the favorable options in the clinic.


Because of the stochasticity, non-linearity, and heterogeneity involved in the development of cancer, the outcomes of different treatments cannot be prospectively determined by verbal reasoning alone. Consequently, mathematical modeling has shown tremendous potential in characterization of cancer development and prediction of treatment outcomes. For example, Tang et al. studied the dynamics of leukemic load in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients treated with Gleevec, and predicted that Gleevec has the potential to target CML-stem cells [1]; Chmielecki et al. modeled the evolution of erlotinib resistance in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and predicted alternative treatment strategies that could prolong the benefit of erlotinib [2]; Haeno et al. simulated metastasis of pancreatic cancer (PC), and predicted that therapies that reduce the growth rate of PC cells are superior to upfront tumor resection [3]; Leder et al. characterized dynamics of glioblastoma (GBM) in response to radiotherapy, and managed to predict superior dosing schedules for radiotherapy and improved GBM survival in animal model [4].


今年,一项来自多伦多大学Benjamin Neel实验室的研究针对高等级浆液性卵巢癌(HG-SOC)进行了动态研究,并模拟了一系列优化的治疗/筛查方案[5]。根据近300个病人的临床数据,我们首先建立了一个随机分支模型模拟化疗抗性的演变过程。根据估量得到的癌细胞转变率,我们推测绝大多数HG-SOC病人在诊断之初体内已经有大于103个抗化疗癌细胞。我们比较了不同治疗方案,并预测前期手术切除加辅助化疗效果好于前期化疗辅以肿瘤细胞减灭术,因为前者会更有效地去除抗化疗癌细胞。此外,我们检验了提早诊断对HG-SOC患者生存的影响。针对复发癌症的提早诊断,我们预测无论利用CA125或更灵敏的检验方法,都不会延长患者的生存时间,因为对复发HG-SOC的提早治疗无法有效去除抗化疗细胞。相反,针对未接受过治疗的患者,我们预测提早诊断治疗将会延长生存预期并提高治愈率。

A recent study from Dr. Benjamin Neel’s lab at University of Toronto studied the clinical dynamics of high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HG-SOC), and investigated the optimal management strategies for this disease [5]. We built a stochastic branching model to simulate the evolution of chemotherapy resistance, based on clinical data from nearly 300 HG-SOC patients. After estimating the conversion rate from chemo-sensitive to chemo-resistant cells, we determined that most HG-SOC patients likely harbor >103 chemo-resistant cells at diagnosis. We then compared different temporal orders of treatment, and predicted that upfront optimal surgery followed by chemotherapy should be superior to upfront chemotherapy with interval surgery, largely because it more efficiently depletes chemo-resistant cells. Furthermore, we interrogated the benefits of early diagnosis of HG-SOC. We recapitulated the clinical finding that CA125-based earlier diagnosis of relapsed cancer does not improve overall survival, and further predicted that more sensitive detection methods are also unlikely beneficial with current standard chemotherapy, because it does not help deplete the chemo-resistant cells. By contrast, our model predicts that for treatment-naïve cancer, early detection could improve survival time and increase chances of cure.


With the advent of high-throughput sequencing and precision medical care for cancer, there is increasing feasibility and demand for quantitative models of cancer evolution dynamics, in order to facilitate effective combination therapy and/or prospectively prepare for disease recurrence. For future application of mathematical modeling in cancer prevention/treatment, I speculate several trends will form and exhibit significant impacts in the field: (1) incorporation of genomic data and mathematical modeling to monitor and predict dynamic clonal evolution of cancer, which would help achieve punctual precision medical care; (2) application of mathematical modeling and machine learning techniques on clinical/experimental data to extrapolate treatment resistance patterns, which would help identify additional targets for different stages of cancer development; (3) application of mathematical modeling in immunotherapy to predict the likelihood of response and explore the combination of immunotherapy and conventional therapies, which would facilitate synergistic depletion of cancer using different therapies.


[1] Tang, M. et al. Dynamics of chronic myeloid leukemia response to long-term targeted therapy reveal treatment effects on leukemic stem cells. Blood 118, 1622–1631 (2011).
[2] Chmielecki, J. et al. Optimization of dosing for EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer with evolutionary cancer modeling. Sci. Transl. Med. 3, 90ra59 (2011).
[3] Haeno, H. et al. Computational modeling of pancreatic cancer reveals kinetics of metastasis suggesting optimum treatment strategies. Cell 148, 362–75 (2012).
[4] Leder, K. et al. Mathematical modeling of pdgf-driven glioblastoma reveals optimized radiation dosing schedules. Cell 156, 603–616 (2014).
[5] Computational modeling of serous ovarian carcinoma dynamics: Implications for screening and therapy. at http://www.abstractsonline.com/Plan/ViewAbstract.aspx?mID=3682&sKey=0b3c3568-eecc-4a05-b2a6-eca0a1f1b029&cKey=5b08121c-eeee-4ef7-be71-c321f3ebfd4f&mKey=19573a54-ae8f-4e00-9c23-bd6d62268424.

作者简介(Author ' s Biography):


顾圣青顾圣青毕业于北京大学元培计划学院,于2008-2015年在多伦多大学医学生物物理系师从Benjamin Neel教授进行癌症信号转导和癌症数学模型的跨学科研究。现在研究兴趣包括通过数学模型模拟癌症进化动力学以及通过机器学习研究癌症抗药机理。


Shengqing Gu obtained his B.S. degree from Yuanpei program in Peking University. In 2008, he joined the lab of Dr. Benjamin Neel in Department of Medical Biophysics at University of Toronto to participate in interdisciplinary research involving signaling pathways in cancer and mathematical modeling of cancer. His current research interests include mathematical modeling of cancer evolution dynamics and machine learning of therapy resistance mechanisms.

Email: Sgu@uhnres.utoronto.ca

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This article was submitted by Shengqing Gu from University of Toronto. It was edited and published by Overseas Chinese Healthcare Innovator Society (OCHIS).

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